April Chapter Meeting

PMI Michiana

April Chapter Meeting

Our first priority is to protect the health and well being of our members.  After careful considerations, we have determined it is necessary to cancel the April meeting.  

Please remember PMI provides opportunities for PDU's through ProjectManagement.com. 

If you have any questions please reach out to any PMI Michiana Board Member.  

It is no longer possible to register for this event

It is no longer possible to register for this event


Type of category: Dinner Meetings

Date: April 7th, 2020

Hour: 5:30PM to 7:30PM

Registration close date: April 8th, 2020 at 12:00AM

# of PDUs: 0


Students: $15.00

Members: $15.00

Non members and Guests: $15.00


Bethel University Presidents Dining Room