Managing Up
PMI Michiana January Meeting
Managing Up - Jeremy Burke
Our presentation is titled "Managing Up". As project managers, we have a lot of dotted-line connections to team members, some of whom are "higher" than us in our companies. Jeremy will share with us some insights into how to understand and approach these relationships, in order to be as successful as possible in our project management.
Jeremy Burke is a Project Manager for Zimmer Biomet where he is currently PMing the deployment of an End-to-End global Supply Chain Transformation. Jeremy has been in project management for 21 years in Indiana, West Virginia, Michigan and now in Indiana again! He holds a Master's Degree in Supply Chain management from Michigan State University, and MBA, and an undergraduate degree from the University of Notre Dame. Jeremy and his wife Terri have 14 neices and nephews in Indiana and Ohio
PMI Triangle - Leadership
Speaker - Jeremy Burke
Date - Tuesday, Jan 11
Networking begins at 5:45 pm
Program begins at 6:00 pm
Real World SME Session begins at 7:00 pm
Location: Remote (WebEx information will be provided)
Cost - For this remote meeting, $10 for all attendees
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